Medical Topic Posts Sponsorship Sealed Bid Process

This is a topic that has purposely not been posted much in the history of NCST. This is for a few reasons, first is privacy and second is the sheer number of calls that this topic covers.

With experience and planning, I’ve decided that a narrow section of Medical calls will begin to be posted. The decision to include these particular call types follow the simple litmus test of, does it serve the community to know? For the answer to be yes, the call type ( and the individual call ) must either physically impact the public, i.e. is it blocking a roadway, is it occurring at a public venue, in the absence of some information will false information be spread; or does the public’s knowledge of the frequency of a type of call help the community understand a situation they may not otherwise be aware of.

Due to the nature of these calls, details will be limited and tailored on a call by call basis. Identities will never be given, locations ( not in a public place or roadway ) will be imprecise by design.

With all of that out of the way, I’ve decided the following call types will be eligible to be posted for this topic: Psych Patients, Life Flight Responses, Cardiac Events, and Overdoses. 

What You’re Bidding On

The winning bid will become the sponsor of the Medical Topic Posts on the Facebook Page. As an added bonus, the winning bidder will also have a banner ad set placed in rotation on the website. 


The Medical call types chosen are in the top call numbers, rivaling traffic for call volume.


As the sponsor of the Facebook Posts the sponsor will have a banner, like the example below, attached to each traffic related post on the NCST Facebook page.

The Website Banner(s) will be placed in key locations throughout the site and display in a rotation with 5 other possible advertisers on the website. There are 3 separate banner sizes that are used to ensure that the ads display correctly for users on both desktops and mobile phones. The locations include on the homepage ( where there is currently a Google AdSense Ad ), and after the second paragraph of each article on the website.

We will be more than happy to create all the required banners for you at no cost, or can provide templates of you to complete and return.

How the Bid Process Works

Once posted, those that are interested in placing a bid will need to send an email to [email protected].


Bids will be accepted via email until 8 AM on Tuesday, February 14th, 2023. All bids received, with the required information, see below for details, will be considered.


Once all bids are opened and the highest bid is identified, NCST will reach out to that bidder. At that time the bidder will be asked to complete payment. If the bidder is unable to complete the process, or is unable to respond in a timely manner, then next highest bidder will be contacted until such time as a bidder completes the process.


Once payment has been completed, NCST will work with the sponsor to create the needed graphics. Once the graphics are complete, the sponsorship will immediately commence.

How to Submit your Bid

The value of the Medical Topic Posts Sponsorship is $1200 a quarter, or $400 a month. The cost of a website banner ad is normally $900 a quarter, or $300 a month. This sealed bid includes both and will have a starting bid of $1100 per quarter.




The starting bid amount is $1100 for 3 months. Please do not submit a bid lower than this amount.


Bids must be submitted via email to the following address, [email protected].


All bids must contain the following information to be considered.


– Contact Name
– Contact Email
– Contact Phone Number
– Business Name
– Business Address
– Business Website
– Your Bid // The total amount you’re willing to pay for the above stated sponsorship for a 3 month period.


Please make sure that you will be available Tuesday morning and that you have payment worked out by then.

The Terms of Your Bid

By placing a bid, you are agreeing to pay your bid price for the sponsorship stated above. Sponsorships are Non-Refundable.

NCST is a service provided to the community by R41D41 Industries, LLC. When information is power, we believe the information should be in the hands of the community.

R41D41 Industries, LLC
15 Perry Street
Suite 402
Newnan, GA 30263

©2024 All rights reserved. R41D41 Industries, LLC